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Can Foreigners Buy Property in Tbilisi

Unlocking the Real Estate Opportunities in the Heart of the Caucasus

Georgia, nestled in the heart of the Caucasus, boasts a rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and a unique charm that has been drawing people from around the world. For those considering making Georgia their second home, or even a real estate investment destination, one common question arises: Can foreigners buy property in Tbilisi, Georgia?

The answer is a resounding yes! Unlike many countries around the world, Georgia welcomes foreign real estate investors with open arms. Here, we explore the ins and outs of purchasing property in Tbilisi, Georgia, and why it’s an enticing prospect for foreigners.

tbilisi skyline

Georgia’s Foreigner-Friendly Real Estate Market

One of the most attractive features of Georgia’s real estate market is its foreigner-friendly policies. Foreign nationals can purchase property in Georgia with virtually the same rights and benefits as Georgian citizens. This means that as a foreigner, you can buy real estate in your own name without the need for a Georgian partner or citizen to co-own the property.

No Restrictions on Property Types

Another advantage of investing in Georgian real estate is that there are virtually no restrictions on the types of properties that foreigners can purchase. Whether you’re interested in residential apartments, commercial spaces, or even land, you’ll find opportunities aplenty in Tbilisi.

Rural Land Ownership

While Georgia is quite liberal when it comes to urban property ownership, there are some restrictions on owning agricultural land. Foreigners are not allowed to purchase agricultural land in Georgia, which is a measure aimed at preserving the country’s agricultural heritage. However, this restriction generally doesn’t affect those looking to invest in urban properties, such as apartments or commercial real estate.

Obtaining Residency Through Property Investment

For those interested in more than just real estate investment, Georgia offers an attractive pathway to residency. Foreigners who invest a minimum of $100,000 in Georgian real estate can qualify for a residency program. This provides an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking to make Georgia their second home.

A Booming Real Estate Market

Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, is experiencing a real estate boom. The city is witnessing rapid development, with modern apartment complexes, commercial spaces, and luxury villas cropping up in various neighborhoods. Investors can choose from a range of properties to suit their preferences and budget.

Affordability and High Returns

One of the standout advantages for foreigners is the affordability of real estate in Georgia. Property prices in Tbilisi, particularly when compared to Western European cities, are considerably lower. This means that you can get more value for your money, making Georgia an attractive destination for property investment.

Additionally, the potential for high returns on investment is a compelling reason to consider Georgia. The country’s growing tourism sector and increasing demand for rental properties offer excellent opportunities for generating rental income.

Legal Framework and Ownership Rights

Georgia has established a foreigner-friendly legal framework that allows non-residents to easily buy, sell, and own properties. The ownership rights for foreigners are well protected under Georgian law, offering investors a secure environment for their investments.

The Process of Buying Property in Tbilisi

Purchasing property in Tbilisi is a straightforward process that involves the following steps:

  1. Property Search: Start by identifying the type of property you want to invest in and exploring various neighborhoods in Tbilisi.
  2. Due Diligence: Once you’ve found a property of interest, conduct thorough due diligence to ensure the property has a clear title and no encumbrances.
  3. Negotiation: Negotiate the price and terms of the deal with the seller or their representative.
  4. Legal Assistance: Engage the services of a local lawyer or legal expert who is well-versed in Georgian real estate laws to assist with the legal aspects of the transaction.
  5. Registration: After finalizing the deal, the property will be registered in your name through the National Agency of Public Registry(NAPR).
  6. Residency Application: If you wish to obtain residency through your property investment, you can apply through the relevant government agency.


In summary, Tbilisi, Georgia, offers a welcoming environment for foreigners looking to invest in real estate. The country’s liberal policies, affordability, and high potential for returns make it an attractive destination for property investment. Whether you’re seeking a second home, a rental property, or a long-term investment, Tbilisi has something to offer to real estate enthusiasts from around the world. So, can foreigners buy property in Tbilisi, Georgia? Absolutely!

Investing in Georgia’s thriving real estate market provides not only an excellent financial opportunity but also the chance to immerse yourself in the rich culture and warm hospitality of this Caucasus gem. Whether you’re looking for a cozy apartment in the heart of the city or a commercial space for your business venture, Tbilisi has a place for you. Explore the possibilities and unlock the potential of Georgia’s real estate market today.

F.A.Q. – Can Foreigners Buy Property in Tbilisi

Question 1: Can foreigners buy property in Georgia?

A.: Yes, foreigners can buy property in Georgia. Foreigners have the same rights as locals when it comes to purchasing residential real estate in the country.

Question 2: What types of properties can foreigners buy in Georgia?

A.: Foreigners are allowed to purchase any type of real property in Georgia, including houses, apartments, and commercial spaces, with the exception of agricultural land.

Question 3: Are there any restrictions on the purchase of agricultural land by foreigners in Georgia?

A.: Yes, foreigners are not allowed to buy agricultural land in Georgia. This restriction applies to both state-owned and privately-owned agricultural land.

Question 4: Can foreigners obtain Georgian citizenship by purchasing real estate?

A.: No, foreigners cannot obtain Georgian citizenship solely through the purchase of real estate. However, they can obtain a residence permit in Georgia by investing in non-agricultural real estate, subject to certain conditions.

Question 5: Are there any minimum investment requirements for foreigners buying property in Georgia to qualify for residency?

A.: Yes, there is a minimum investment requirement for foreigners to qualify for residency in Georgia through real estate. Typically, Georgian banks will provide loans of up to 70% of the property’s value for a period not exceeding ten years. Additionally, some residency programs may require a minimum investment of $100,000.

Question 6: Is the property registration process in Georgia straightforward for foreigners?

A.: Yes, the property registration process in Georgia is relatively straightforward for foreigners. It’s essential to follow the legal procedures and work with local authorities to ensure a smooth transaction.

Question 7: Can foreigners freely sell their properties in Georgia?

A.: Yes, foreigners can freely sell their properties in Georgia. There are no significant restrictions on selling real estate once it has been purchased.

Question 8: Are there any taxes associated with buying and owning property in Georgia as a foreigner?

A.: Georgia has a foreigner-friendly legal framework, and there are generally no taxes imposed on foreigners for buying or owning property in the country. However, it’s essential to consult with local tax authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Question 9: What are some benefits of investing in real estate in Georgia as a foreigner?

A.: Investing in real estate in Georgia offers several advantages, including the opportunity for long-term residency, high returns on investment, and a foreigner-friendly legal framework that encourages property ownership by non-residents.

Question 10: Are there any recent changes in the laws regarding property ownership by foreigners in Georgia?

A.: As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the laws regarding property ownership by foreigners in Georgia allowed for the purchase of various types of real estate, excluding agricultural land. However, laws and regulations can change, so it’s essential to consult with legal experts or local authorities for the most current information regarding property ownership by foreigners in Georgia.

Please note that the information provided here is based on my knowledge as of September 2021, and there may have been developments or changes in the laws and regulations since then.

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